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our student Zaineb Makati at Universitat Gottingen – Centre for Modern Indian Studies (CeMIS)

Our student Zaineb Makati and her internship at 4th semester at Universität Göttingen, Centre for Modern Indian Studies (CeMIS).

“As part of my final semester internship and research stay, I am working with Dr. Sebastian Vollmer at the Centre for Modern Indian Studies (CeMIS) based in University of Goettingen, Germany. CeMIS is an interdisciplinary research and academic institution focused on economic and political development with research projects in many developing countries. 

For my internship, I am analysing LSMS data to study land inequality in developing countries while exploring spatial inequalities in educational outcomes in Nigeria for my master thesis research. The past few months have been filled with a hands-on experience of analysing large datasets and improving my STATA and R skills. 

Goettingen is a beautiful German student city equivalent to Olomouc, Clermont Ferrand and Pavia. It is peaceful and just right for a GLODEP scholar who should be focusing on her thesis ;).”