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Academic Associates

The Academic Associates were selected in order to provide students with knowledge and experience related to the respective regions and countries of the associates. In the fourth semester Academic Associates host several students during their research stay and help with co-supervision of their theses. Scholars from these universities may be invited to provide a series of lectures integrated into the curriculum.


University of Johannesburg, Johannesburg, South Africa

„Anthropology and Development Studies at the UJ has partnered with GLODEP as we believe global collaboration is needed to advance excellence in learning, teaching and research. We also believe this is necessary to develop knowledge, expertise and new practices that can improve the quality of life of all of us. This is necessary to address poverty, inequality, global injustice and to achieve sustainable development.”

Vibrant, multicultural and dynamic, the University of Johannesburg (UJ) shares the pace and energy of cosmopolitan Johannesburg, the city whose name it carries. Proudly South African, the university is alive down to its African roots, and well-prepared for its role in actualising the potential that higher education holds for the continent’s development. UJ has transformed into a diverse, inclusive, transformational and collegial institution, with a student population of over 50 000, of which more than 3000 are international students from 80 countries. This makes UJ one of the largest contact universities in South Africa (SA) from the 26 public universities that make up the higher education system.
The vision of the UJ is to be “an international University of choice, anchored in Africa, dynamically shaping the future”. The mission can be described as follows: “inspiring its community to transform and serve humanity through innovation and the collaborative pursuit of knowledge”. These are underpinned by four values, namely: imagination, conversation, regeneration and ethical foundation. The six strategic objectives provide a focused means for realising the Vision, Mission and Values of the University as set out above. They further represent a re-working of the original UJ Strategic Thrusts 2020 in the context of a wider positioning of the University as “The Pan-African” Centre for Critical Intellectual Inquiry, with the primary goal of achieving global excellence and stature.
Possible research areas in 4th semester: Food systems, agro-ecology, entrepreneurship, environment, the informal economy, waste and recycling, civil society, regional integration, gender, aid and the 4th Industrial Revolution.

Bethlehem University, Bethlehem, Palestine

betlehem-uni-logo„As Bethlehem University we are proud to be a partner of the GLODEP Consortium because we will have the opportunity to conduct joint training and research activities in cooperation with important academic institutions.“

Bethlehem University of the Holy Land is a Catholic co-educational institution of higher learning founded in 1973 in the Lasallian tradition and is open to students of all faiths. Bethlehem University was the first university established in the West Bank, and can trace its roots to 1893. The mission of the Bethlehem University is to provide quality higher education to the people of Palestine and to serve them in its role as a centre for the advancement, sharing and use of knowledge.

Possible research areas in the 4th semester: SDGs and their implementation in Palestine or worldwide, urban and environmental sustainability, private sector and development, cultures and development.

Ala-too International UniversityWorld Economicsiaau-logo
Department (WEC)
, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

„The mission of the Ala-too International University states that it will prepare qualified and competent graduates who will contribute to society in terms of economic, social, and political development. We believe that GLODEP is the right academic place. Therefore we are in the GLODEP consortium.“

The Ala-too International University is a leading non-profit institution of higher education in Kyrgyzstan. Founded in 1996, university consists of four faculties (Economics and Business Administration, New Technologies, Humanities, Medicine) and sixteen departments, as well as the Institute of Education and Innovation, the Institute of Research and one college. The university has about 2600 students and 250 staff from around the world. The main language of instruction is English. A high priority is given to academic research in the university. The World Economics Department provides students with the knowledge and tools required to analyze economic events in the world and in Kyrgyzstan, to make economic forecasts, and to arrive at the best decisions in a rapidly changing and developing world. The department has courses on economic theory, economic history, economic policy, international economics, econometrics, the history of economic thought and public sector economics, as well as courses related to economics, such as mathematics, statistics, finance and law.

Possible research areas in the 4th semester: development of economic models for agriculture and food industry in Kyrgyzstan, the role of China in the world (together with Silk Road Institute).


Universidad Externado de Colombia, Bogota, Colombia

“Education for freedom facing the Future” 

University Externado of Colombia is one of the oldest and most prestigious universities in Colombia. It is a higher learning and social sciences research institution, known for its rigor and academic excellence, as well as its pluralism.  Founded in 1886, the Externado University of Colombia has been created as an answer to absolutism and the suppression of freedom of education imposed by the dictatorship of Regeneration. Since its foundation, the University promotes tolerance and diversity of opinions as a key education value to reach peace and progress within the heterogeneity. Therefore, the Externado University has been recognized in the country for its liberal philosophy, its rigor and the quality of its teaching.

Encouraging the diversity, the Externado supports integration with the countries of Latin America as guarantee of a significant presence in the region. The University also stimulates academic cooperation with international universities, and research centers around the world, in order to stimulate the creation of knowledges, in a collaboration spirit.

Receiving international students from GLODEP Master will be a great opportunity to offer then an unique academic experience, pass on knowledges and skills, and enrich the campus with international and alternative vision of development.

Possible research areas in the 4th semester: Rural Development; Environmental projects; Agro ecology; Food supply from rural areas to urban centers; Corporate Social Responsibility; Peace studies; Productive projects for former combatants and for victims of the intern armed conflict.

Hassan II University, Teaching and Research Team in Applied Econometrics (TRTAE), Faculty of Law, Economics and Social Sciences (FLESS), Casablanca, Morocco

„We believe that multiculturalism and interdisciplinary are an open window on enriching topics and approaches. That is why working with GLODEP is a great opportunity for us and for the students hosted.”

The Faculty of Law, Economic and Social Sciences-Ain Chock is a Moroccan university institution attached to the Hassan II University of Casablanca. Founded in 1975, it is located Route El Jadida Casablanca, after having established as an annexe of the University Mohamed V of Rabat. Created in 1987 in the FLESS, the TRTAE brings together researchers and students interested in applied econometrics, especially in health, education, informal sector, microfinance and economic of migration. Studies conducted within this Team are often policy oriented. Therefore, it offers data available in its data base and at partners like the HCP (the national Statistics Administration in Morocco), the Moroccan Central Bank (BAM), the Ministry of Industries and from Microfinance Institution. TRTAE can also monitor data collection either in international settings or in fieldwork with students from the Master in applied econometrics existing in Hassan II University. Finally, LASAARE can oversee internship in different Moroccan institutions and help GLODEP students to prepare their Master thesis through applied research in the field mentioned above and below.

Possible research areas in the 4th semester: Applied studies on microfinance, impact evaluation of community development programs, labour market in developing countries, economics of education, economics of health, study of the informal sector at the micro and macroeconomic level and economic of migration.

Updated: 25.02.2021