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Students who were enrolled in the GLODEP program until 2023, please click here. UNGUARANTEED POTENTIAL scholarship - more info here.

Fees and Funding


Self-funded students pay a tuition fee of  4,200 € per academic year. It has to be paid every year by the end of September.



1. Individual external funding arranged by students 

GLODEP team will provide applicants (confirmation of submitting the application) and admitted students with any support needed in applying for individual scholarship opportunities of organizations outside the Consortium.

2. List of potential scholarship opportunities can be found here.

Others opportunities of funding:

Czech Governmental Scholarship

The Government of the Czech Republic offers scholarships within the framework of its Foreign Development Assistance to support studying foreign nationals from selected developing countries at public institutions of higher education in the Czech Republic. See the website of the Government of the Czech Republic for further information.

DAAD – German Academic Exchange Service


Skills and Education Guarantee Pilot

3. Potential unguaranteed Erasmus Mundus Joint Master  (EMJM) Scholarship awarded by the EACEA

For the conditions, see Criteria and Requirements.


All students are obliged to set up health insurance for the whole study period for all countries (Czech Republic, Germany, and France). We have good experience with Dr. Walter insurance company. Valid insurance is also required for the visa. 

Students supported by the potential unguaranteed EMJM Scholarship will be provided health insurance covered and set up by Palacký University. However, any other administrative issues related to the insurance (reimbursement, communication with the company, etc.) are up to each student.

Updated: 22.10.2025