Students, who were enrolled to the GLODEP program until 2019, please click here

Criteria and Requirements

Our Applicants

While the program is open to applicants from diverse disciplinary backgrounds, knowledge, and experience, a suitable applicant typically has: excellent academic results in relevant degree (e.g. development studies, economics, geography, international relations, and sociology); strong interest in international development with aspirations to work in the area related to development policy; very good command of English. As our program is highly competitive (every year we received several hundreds  applications), please consider whether your profile fits into the above characteristics before you apply. The Admission Committee looks at the overall profile of the applicant, so a degree in a less relevant discipline may be good enough if you have excelled in development courses and your extra-curricular activities or working experience are clearly linked to development.


The program will open the next call for applications in November 2024 for the 2025-2027 cohort. All the information will be provided online beforehand.

In 2023, the call will not be open as there is an updated accreditation being prepared.


Application requirements from the previous calls

Attachments to application

All attached documents must be in pdf or jpg form, except diploma (1). All must be in English (certified translation or confirmation issued by official authority). Seven documents (see numbers 1–7 below) are required for the program application, and two additional documents (see numbers 8–9 below) are required for the scholarship application.

  • Application for the program is considered incomplete if it does not include any of the seven documents required for the program (or any of the documents are inadequate). In this case, the application is ineligible for the program, and the applicant is informed about non-admission to the program. All applications ineligible for the program are also automatically ineligible for the EMJMD scholarship.
  • If the application is incomplete only in terms of the two additional documents required for the EMJMD scholarship (missing or inadequate), the application is eligible for the program but ineligible for the EMJMD scholarship. In this case, the application will be assessed by the Admission Committee for the program, but the applicant cannot be offered the EMJMD scholarship if admitted to the program.


In some exceptional cases (stated in the Criteria and Requirement), you can use the template for the document “Declaration of Honour” – you are declaring in this document (under your Honour) that – for example –  you are an English native speaker and/or explaining the reasons, why you can’t have your passport valid minimum until June 2025, etc.

Declaration of Honour – template

All applicants are required to attach the seven following documents:

(1) Copy (scan) of a diploma

Copy (scan) of an original diploma proving successfully completed tertiary education (bachelor/master/PhD). Applicants without completed tertiary education must provide a Declaration of Honor stating when they expect to receive it (if they are admitted to the program, they must provide the diploma and its recognition for enrolment in early September 2023).

(2) Copy (scan) of a transcript of records

Copy (scan) of a transcript of records related to the above-mentioned diploma(s) including all completed courses at the time of application. If the original is in a language other than English, the certified (legally attested) copy must be in English.

(3) Proof of English proficiency

Proof of English proficiency – all applicants need to provide a proof of sufficient knowledge of English by meeting at least one of the criteria listed below:

  • A diploma of tertiary education where English was the language of instruction in this case, please submit the confirmation from your university;
  • Native speakers must provide a Declaration of Honour (template – see above);
  • TOEFL iBT with minimum level 79 (total score)
  • IELTS with minimum level academic module 6,5 (overall score)
  • Cambridge Certificate of Advanced English (CAE), grade B or Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE) – grade C
  • Important notes:

  • Only the language tests mentioned above are accepted. If your test is not included in this list, it will not be accepted. We kindly ask you not to contact us to ask for an exemption based on other test methods.
  • No scores below the above-stated minimums will be accepted.
  • Your language certificate must be attached to the application by a) the end of January 2024 – the date of the deadline for scholarship applications OR b) the end of April 2024 – the date of the deadline for self-funded student applications

(4) Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae of maximum two A4 pages. We do not require the Europass format of your CV.

(5) Motivation letter

Motivation letter of maximum 500 words. The motivation letter should mainly focus on your academic interest in the GLODEP program and what you hope to achieve through studying in the program. Additional relevant information can also be included, and you may refer to your Curriculum Vitae to save space. Please refrain from describing the GLODEP program unless doing so is relevant to your argument.

(6) 1st letter of recommendation

  • We recommend that the letter is from an academic referee (e.g. your former university lecturers that are able to judge your academic qualities and potential) and it has been explicitly written for the GLODEP program application. The reference letter must include the date of issue, name, institution, position, signature, official stamp (if available), and contact details (phone number and email) of the person/institution recommending you. Each of the letters must be submitted as a separate file rather than one combined file as previously advertised.
  • Both recommendation letters must be attached to the application. Due to a high number of applications – it is no more possible to send the recommendation letter directly from our professor to our email. Please do not contact us regarding this.

(7) 2nd letter of recommendation

  • We recommend that the letter is from an academic referee (e.g. your former university lecturers that are able to judge your academic qualities and potential) and it has been explicitly written for the GLODEP program application. The reference letter must include the date of issue, name, institution, position, signature, official stamp (if available), and contact details (phone number and email) of the person/institution recommending you. Each of the letters must be submitted as a separate file rather than one combined file as previously advertised.
  • Both recommendation letters must be attached to the application. Due to a high number of applications – it is no more possible to send the recommendation letter directly from our professor to our email. Please do not contact us regarding this.

Applicants that apply for the EMJMD scholarship (deadline 31st January 2023) are required to attach two additional documents:

(8) Proof of nationality

  • All applicants need to provide a copy of a valid international passport (applicants with multiple nationalities must specify at the application stage under which nationality they wish to apply). The nationality can not be changed later.
  • Be aware the international passport must be valid for at least September 2026 because of many different visa processes in Consortium countries. In case it is not possible (only serious reasons are taken into consideration) to issue a new passport, please, report this in a) the Declaration of Honour (template see above) and add b) the scan of your current passport - both documents merged in one pdf. Attach this pdf document as Proof of Nationality. Be aware that for your visa application, you will need your passport valid for at least September 2026.
  • Upload only the international passport page(s) with the holders´ photograph and name.
  • The nationality can not be changed later.

(9) Proof of place of residence

  • Please attach a Declaration of Honour (template see above), in which you declare where you have been living at the time of application.
  • This document in English must contain your full name, your address, the date (not older than 12 months before the scholarship application deadline), and your signature.
  • The applicants must be ready to provide further documents if required.

For example

London 21st November 2023

I, the undersigned James Albert BOND (born 25/8/1978 in London/UK; passport number – 007), declare on my honor that I am living at Baker Street 235/2B, London, United Kingdom.

James Albert BOND


Selection Criteria – previous call 2022

Admission to the program
Eligible applications for the program are assessed (i.e. entrance examination) based on academic merit (the relevance of the degree/courses studied and overall grades), motivation, references, and curriculum vitae. Each of the three Consortium Institutions makes an assessment, classifying applications into five categories: outstanding (5 points), excellent (4 points), very good (3 points), good (2 points), and poor (1 point). Applications are ranked in descending order based on the total number of points acquired from the three assessments (max. 15). Admission to the program will be offered to the applicants with the highest number of total points.

Please note that ineligible applications will not be assessed. 

The EMJMD scholarship award
The top-ranking applicants from those offered admission to the program will be invited for an online interview to compete for EMJMD Scholarship and Scholarship. The interview aims to consider the applicant’s overall profile, including academic merit, motivation, language skills, and knowledge of basic economic concepts.*

* The required knowledge is no more than a principles course in economics. To guide you in the preparation, we recommend you Modern Principles of Economics textbook by Cowen and Tabarrok (4th edition, 2018). However, there are many good alternative textbooks (e.g. Krugman and Wells; Mankiw; Frank et al., Karlan and Morduch). If you do not want to spend money on a textbook, Marginal Revolution University provides many economics videos that may, to some extent, substitute for the textbook. Also, CORE provides a free economics e-textbook The Economy.

Please note:

  • The applicants that have already received any other Erasmus Mundus scholarship (for the full tertiary program – EMMC, EMJMD) before, are not eligible for EMJMD Scholarship.

The students from Partner countries, who have been living in the EU countries for at least 12 months during the last 5 years, will be considered as Programme country students.

The students have to be aware of the fact that their personal data will be sent to the Agency and may be used by other bodies involved in the management of EMJMD acting as stakeholders of the programme (i.e. European Commission, Erasmus+ National Offices, EU Delegations, Erasmus Mundus Students and Alumni Association) for facilitating the students access to the joint programme.


Admission Calendar – previous call 2022

November 2022                         Call for applications (program/ scholarship) opened
31st January 2023                    Call for program applications with the EMJMD scholarship closed (23:59 CET)
30th April 2023                          Call for program applications without scholarship closed (23:59 CET)

1st round of the selection process
(Applications to the program and the EMJMD scholarship submitted from November 2022 till  31st January 2023)

February 2023

  • Non-eligible applicants will be informed via e-mail mentioned in the application and be able to appeal.

March 2023 – 2nd half

  • Eligible applicants will be informed about (non) admission to the program via the Online Application Form (PORTAL – Palacký University Olomouc) 
  • The best-ranked applicants (admitted to the program) will be invited (via email mentioned in the application) for the online interview to compete for the EMJMD scholarship.

April 2023

  • Online interviews to compete for the EMJMD scholarship
  • The best-ranked applicants will be informed (via email mentioned in the application) about the awarding of the EMJMD scholarship
  •  The admission results for all applicants will be published in the Online Application Form (PORTAL – Palacký University Olomouc).

2nd round of the selection process
(Applications to the program – on self-paid bases – submitted till 30th April 2022)

All phases of the admission process will be done in a few shorter rounds. No scholarships will be awarded.

Tuition fee payment
30th September 2023                Payment of tuition fee of 4200 € by self-funded students

Please note that the admission calendar is subject to change.


There are different types of appeal procedures related to the admission process:

 Appeal against the decision on the ineligibility of the application

  1. All applicants with an ineligible application (either for the program or for the scholarship) receive an email with the explication of the reasons for ineligibility.
  2. If the applicant has serious reasons to believe that a mistake has been made in the assessment of the eligibility of his/her application, s/he can ask for a reassessment of the application by sending an email to by the indicated date. In the email, the applicant is asked to clearly indicate the reasons for the appeal. The Admission Committee will review the case and will inform the applicant about the final decision by email.

 Appeal against the decision on non-admission to the program

  1. All applicants are informed about their admission/non-admission to the program. The electronic letter (signed by the Dean of the Faculty of Science, Palacky University Olomouc) is uploaded to the applicant´s folder in the electronic application system and the applicant is informed by email.
  2. In accordance with the provisions of Section 50, Article 6 of the Higher Education Act (Czech Republic), the applicant may appeal within 30 days of this notification. Applicants who want to appeal should send a letter (paper letter with your signature, not an electronic copy) stating the reason for the appeal to Mrs Dana Gronychová, Palacký University Olomouc, Faculty of Science, 17. listopadu 12, 771 46 Olomouc, Czech Republic.

Appeal against the decision of non-recommendation for the EMJMD the scholarship

  1. All applicants that have been conditionally admitted to the program are informed whether they have been recommended/not recommended for the EMJMD scholarship. The electronic letter (signed by the GLODEP Consortium Director) is uploaded to the applicant´s folder in the electronic application system and the applicant is informed by email.
  2. Applicants that have been conditionally admitted to the program may appeal against this decision by sending an email with the reasons for the appeal to by the indicated date.


Please contact the helpdesk for technical inquiries concerning the online application (Anonymous request, category: E-application – technical questions or payments, change of date, etc.). For specific GLODEP-related questions, contact


Updated: 31/07/2023