Non-Academic Associates
Non-Academic Associates may provide internship placements in the fourth semester and contribute to curricula with workshops and presentations.
People in Need, Czech Republic
„Humanitarian and Development Department of People in Need welcomes this new initiative as our work – maybe more than other – needs professional staff. By professional we mean having young people who understand and perceive development assistance as complex, layered and multidimensional as it is. Strong focus on competencies, managerial and technical skills within the sector requires well trained individuals and we believe GLODEP program can do the both – to shape it and to deliver it.“
People in Need (PIN) is a non-governmental, non-profit organization based on the ideas of humanism, freedom, equality and solidarity, and was established in 1992 by a group of war and foreign correspondents who were not satisfied with just bringing back information to the Czech Republic. In the twenty four years of its existence People in Need has become one of the biggest non-profit organization in Central Europe. Apart from humanitarian aid and human rights, it targets the field of education and helps people living in social exclusion. People in Need is a member of Alliance2015, a strategic network of seven European non-governmental organizations engaged in humanitarian assistance and development projects. This collaboration yields effective results, both in the target countries and in campaigns aimed at influencing the attitudes of politicians and the general public in Europe.
Possible content of the internship in the 4th semester: support for desk officers (administrative work, project support); research, text editing, editing webpages, translations; writing final reports and analysing the data from different sectors (education, nutrition, good governance, social support and inclusion, sustainable livelihood, humanitarian aid), working in financial department.
For more information about internships in People in Need, see this page.
DEMAS – Association for Democracy Assistance and Human Rights, Prague, Czech Republic
“Ready to serve the cause of democracy, human rights and civil society whenever and wherever the need arises.”
DEMAS, an independent platform of Czech non-governmental organisations (NGOs), was established in 2008. Currently DEMAS comprises 14 NGOs that have over many years demonstrated their commitment to the support of democracy assistance, human rights, and civil society in the Czech Republic and abroad.
DEMAS builds on the solid foundations laid by the important segment of the Czech non-profit sector engaged in the field of democracy assistance, on the Czech experience and know-how of the transition to democracy, and also on an enduring sense of shared responsibility for democratic development in countries less fortunate than the Czech Republic. Within the framework of DEMAS, the members are able to identify their common interests and values and co-operate more effectively in achieving the maximum impact in the field of human rights.
Deval – The German Institute for Development Evaluation, Bonn, Germany
The German Institute for Development Evaluation (DEval) was established in 2012. It provides governmental and non-governmental development cooperation organisations with independent and scientifically sound evaluations, which they can feed into their strategies, instruments and programmes. By enabling evidence-based policy-making, DEval aims to make German development cooperation more effective and to increase transparency in the use of public funds. For this purpose, DEval is mandated by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).
Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontiéres in Czech Republic, Prague, Czech Republic
GRET, France
Gret, founded in 1976, is an international solidarity organisation dedicated to improving the living conditions of vulnerable populations, promoting social justice, and conserving the environment. Operating in around 30 countries across Africa, Asia, and Latin America, with headquarters in Nogent-sur-Marne, France, Gret emphasises long-term, co-constructed solutions with communities, civil society, public authorities, and research organisations.
It acts as a development laboratory, leveraging action research to innovate and scale solutions tailored to local needs. Gret supports ecological transitions by addressing climate change, conserving biodiversity, and combating inequality and poverty.
Gret strengthens local economies, partners with civil society organisations, and fosters sustainable development through field collaboration and partnerships with research institutions like Cirad (French Organisation for Agricultural Research and International Cooperation for Development) and IRD (French National Research Institute for Sustainable Development). It also complements its initiatives by working with international NGOs and thematic networks.
Gret employs around 800 professionals, more than 80% of whom work locally in the field, and has 15 permanent representations worldwide. By sharing its experience and knowledge, GRET also contributes to changing development policies and practices.
Gret is committed to equitable and sustainable development by improving access to essential services, empowering civil society, and strengthening public governance. Its work spans eight key areas: natural resources, local essential utilities, cities and habitats, inclusion and employment, nutrition and health, food systems, land governance, and inclusive economy and finance, while addressing cross-cutting themes such as climate and gender equality.