The program consists of four semesters, with mobility between universities in the first three semesters and a research stay or internship in the fourth. To ensure the internal coherency of the program, the curriculum is fixed for the first three semesters. The first semester at Palacky University Olomouc (Czech Republic) provides a balanced overview of development issues from various disciplinary perspectives. The second semester at the University of Göttingen (Germany) opens relevant debates in development policy and practice, the third semester at the University Clermont Auvergne (France) continues to build a solid quantitative and economic background and prepares students for thesis writing. In the fourth semester, the students conduct their research or internship and write their thesis.
Each university offers orientation week/days and also language courses (Czech, German, French) to help the students to integrate into daily life in the respective countries. Career days are an integral part of the curriculum in each semester. Students receive advice on their professional portfolio and have an opportunity to meet potential employers.
1st semester, Palacký University (Olomouc, Czech Republic): September – January in the 1st academic year
Department of Development and Environmental Studies, Faculty of Science, Palacký University Olomouc
According to Paul Valéry „the future is not what it used to be“. We can study the past, and we can understand it to a large extent and interpret it in different ways, but we cannot change it. On the contrary, we can never certainly predict or know the future, but through our thoughts, words, and actions, we can influence it to a certain extent. The discipline dealing with the study of possible futures is called foresight and its aim is not to predict the future, but to think about it, debate on it, and partially influence it in a desirable way. It is open to alternative futures; the future can evolve in different directions. Foresight is also participatory; it does not concern a narrow circle of experts but involves a number of diverse actors. And it is multidisciplinary; a problem cannot be properly understood if it is greatly reduced in order to fit into boxes of individual scientific disciplines. During the introductory course two methods of foresight will be discussed: the Delphi method and using visions in foresight. And two specific topics are included: world population prospects and challenges of migration.
According to the UN World Commission on Environment and Development (1987) sustainable development is such that „meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. In its broadest sense, the strategy for sustainable development aims to promote harmony among human beings and between humanity and nature“. During the course the following topics will be tackled and discussed: human values compatible and incompatible with sustainable development; economic aspects of sustainable development; technological aspects of sustainable development; political and institutional aspects of sustainable development, consumption and production patterns; indicators of sustainable development; promoting sustainable development (summits, strategies); sustainable retreat or collapse as alternatives to sustainable development.
The course is about the measurement, problems, and prospects of development in the globalized world. While the focus of the course is on developing countries, many topics are relevant also for advanced countries. The course takes a broad picture and provides an analytical overview of a dozen development issues, including the geographical dimension and the role of national and international policies. The topics covered in the course typically include the concept and measurement of (sustainable) development; regional aspects of development; poverty and inequality; human resources (population, health and education); and trade and finance (trade and industrialization, microfinance, and development aid). Though development issues are viewed mainly from an economic perspective, the course is taught in a non-technical way (the knowledge of introductory economics is therefore an advantage, but not required).
Covering the following topics: i) life on Earth and human environment during cultural evolution; ii) characteristics of selected contemporary global problems and; iii) problems of global environmental governance, the students learn about the concept of sustainable development and present model of human environment. The second part of the course is focused on interactions between human society and the environment in economically less developed countries through inquiring into the following topics: i) the complexity of (theoretical) relations between poverty, development and the environment; ii) environment and development challenges of drylands iii) environment and development challenges of developing tropics; iv); policies and practices focusing on nature conservation and human development (namely traditional exclusionary conservation, community-based approaches and market-based conservation).
The course Development Theories and Anthropology critically analyzes various development theories and discourses that evolved over time and influenced the development thinking and practice. In particular, this course examines the historical context, the theoretical assumptions, the key arguments and the policy implications of development theories and processes. It also highlights how theories and processes shape the research agenda and empirical studies in the field of development, how these theories criticize one another, and how their criticism have led to reformulation with the changing situations in the late 20th and the early 21st century. The course covers the reflections on development alternatives, including indigenous worldviews and endogenous development approaches. After the completion of the course, students will be expected to understand different perspectives and theories of development, the importance of history, power and culture in development practices, and to discuss implications of different theories for development policy in practice.
Grounded in the current theoretical debates, the aim of this course is to provide the orientation and allow for the critical analysis of the selected concepts related to the internal political processes on country level as well as the issues related to the wider international politics and security that have impact on such internal processes and vice versa. It specifically focuses the contemporary debates on modern states formation, political regimes, democracy designs, building of democratic institutions and good governance, transitions and the role of external actors in such processes, etc.
The main aim of the course is to introduce the students to qualitative and quantitative aspects of academic research, including the philosophy and theory of science, ethics of research and the indicators of quality. It also intends to create space for the students to understand and command the variety of concrete qualitative research techniques of data collection and analysis and to introduce them to the application of elementary quantitative tools for analysis of development issues. Students are going to be introduced to ATLAS.ti for qualitative research and they are going to use STATA software in order to be able to work with various datasets to analyze key development issues.
The aim of the course is to provide students with an overview of geographical, socio-economical, political and environmental issues related to development in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. The course analyzes specific development opportunities and challenges in these regions.
2nd semester, University of Göttingen (Göttingen, Germany): April – July in the 1st academic year
Department of Economics, University of Göttingen
This course offers insights into the politico-economic analysis of international development policies. Students will obtain an overview on the state of the art of empirical research on development aid and other international development policies. The course discusses the determinants of aid allocation, up-to-date methods for evaluating aid effectiveness at the macro and micro level, the role of conditionality, and potential reasons for the ineffectiveness of aid projects. It also covers non-state development actors, international development organizations, and so-called new donors such as China and India. Students learn to analyze international development policies with politico-economic theories and empirical methods. More specifically, the course covers the following topics (e. g. bilateral aid giving, multilateral aid giving, emerging donors and lenders, poverty targeting and political capture of aid within countries, aid effectiveness, side effects of aid, aid and migration, trade policies, debt relief, humanitarian assistance).
This course examines development economics issues from a micro perspective. The focus is on understanding the measurement, causes, and consequences of poverty at the household level. After successful completion, students will understand poverty in developing countries, including its measurement and key determinants. The objective of the course is that students can explain the linkages between poverty, hunger, gender inequality, and fertility; analyze how market failures in markets for land, labor, capital, and insurance can trap households in poverty; derive appropriate policy recommendations to tackle poverty traps; use regression analysis and interpret results to assess determinants of poverty and ways to overcome it.
The course deals with common quasi-experimental approaches for measuring causal effects in developing economics. The content focuses on the distinction between correlation and causality and provides students with a statistical toolkit which will allow them to plan and conduct their own independent research. Special attention will be paid to the specific assumptions necessary for each technique to measure causal effects and common threats to identification (such as selection bias). The course will also train students in R, an open-source programming language that is increasingly used for econometric analysis. Students will learn how to use quasi-experimental techniques in a practical manner by solving assignments in R, writing a referee report, and presenting their own quasi-experimental research idea.
The course deals with different aspects of relevant economic topics in the field of development economics on the basis of a current issue.
CURRENT DEBATES IN DEVELOPMENT (winter school in development)
The course aims to lead debates on contemporary issues in international development taught by guest lecturers.
3rd semester, University of Clermont Auvergne (Clermont Ferrand, France): September – January in the 2nd academic year
The School of Economics, University of Clermont Auvergne
This course provides economic tools and policy recommendations on critical topics of sustainable development, such as water, energy, and food resources. It also deals with the economic theory of exhaustible and renewable resource extraction. This course about Sustainable Development will explore many of the fundamental economic principles related to climate change and the impact of international trade on the environment. This course eventually studies the critical linkages between global health and economic development.
This course provides a broad overview of the econometric tools available to analyze economic policies. It includes micro econometrics, which deepens the models and methods of nonlinear models with limited dependent variables. It also covers randomised control experiments and quasi-experiments. This course also studies the econometric methods used for macroeconomic analysis (time series and panel data analysis). To facilitate these learning objectives, the course consists of applications using real data such as survey data sets and STATA or R.
This course presents and analyses the full range of tools available to finance economic development through public policies, including domestic and international financing. It provides a broad overview of trade policies and their welfare effects and considers the institutional arrangements for trade policies (e.g., regional trade agreements and the World Trade Organization). The course also deals with the interaction between economic policies, politics, administrative capacity, and civil society. The learning objectives will be met with case studies covering either development projects, countries or regions such as Central Asia. Comparative case studies will be carried out at territorial levels and using a system analysis approach.
4th semester: Internship/Research stay – February – June in the 2nd academic year
The fourth semester is dedicated to an obligatory internship or research stay. The students may spend their research stay at one of the Consortium Universities or at the academic associates. Internship stays may be carried out at non-academic associates or relevant organizations outside the Consortium. During the 4th semester, students also prepare their thesis. The thesis (30 ECTS) should be the outcome of the internship/research stay.