Students, who were enrolled to the GLODEP program until 2019, please click here

Author: rostanetek

Seminars at the Department of Economics and Management UNIPV

Monday, 7 October: “The Complexity of the Application of the Humanitarian – Development – Peace – Nexus and the Implications for the Food Security Area 
Speaker: Maria Cristina BentivoglioEmergency Coordinator at World Food Programme.
Tuesday, 8 October: “Operationalizing the Humanitarian Development Nexus: Community Protection Approach”
Speaker: Pedro Enrique Arriaza, National Research and Data Specialist at We World GVC

Seminar “COOPI and the NGO Networks”

Department of Economics and Management with the External Relation Office of Italian NGO Cooperazione Internazionale (COOPI) are organizing a video seminar entitled “COOPI and the NGO Networks.” This seminars are organized as part of series of seminars under the GLODEP Master Program. See more

How did the 1st cohort graduation look like?

In June 2019 the 1st cohort of GLODEP students has graduated at Palacky University Olomouc. After the successfull state exam and thesis defense they took part in the final graduation ceremony which was the last event of their two-year journey.