Academic Associates
The Academic Associates were selected in order to provide students with knowledge and experience related to the respective regions and countries of the associates. In the fourth semester Academic Associates host several students during their research stay and help with co-supervision of their theses. Scholars from these universities may be invited to provide a series of lectures integrated into the curriculum.
Ala-too International University, World Economics
Department (WEC), Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
„The mission of the Ala-too International University states that it will prepare qualified and competent graduates who will contribute to society in terms of economic, social, and political development. We believe that GLODEP is the right academic place. Therefore we are in the GLODEP consortium.“
The Ala-too International University is a leading non-profit institution of higher education in Kyrgyzstan. Founded in 1996, university consists of four faculties (Economics and Business Administration, New Technologies, Humanities, Medicine) and sixteen departments, as well as the Institute of Education and Innovation, the Institute of Research and one college. The university has about 2600 students and 250 staff from around the world. The main language of instruction is English. A high priority is given to academic research in the university. The World Economics Department provides students with the knowledge and tools required to analyze economic events in the world and in Kyrgyzstan, to make economic forecasts, and to arrive at the best decisions in a rapidly changing and developing world. The department has courses on economic theory, economic history, economic policy, international economics, econometrics, the history of economic thought and public sector economics, as well as courses related to economics, such as mathematics, statistics, finance and law.
Possible research areas in the 4th semester: development of economic models for agriculture and food industry in Kyrgyzstan, the role of China in the world (together with Silk Road Institute).
Universidad Externado de Colombia, Bogota, Colombia
“Education for freedom facing the Future”
University Externado of Colombia is one of the oldest and most prestigious universities in Colombia. It is a higher learning and social sciences research institution, known for its rigor and academic excellence, as well as its pluralism. Founded in 1886, the Externado University of Colombia has been created as an answer to absolutism and the suppression of freedom of education imposed by the dictatorship of Regeneration. Since its foundation, the University promotes tolerance and diversity of opinions as a key education value to reach peace and progress within the heterogeneity. Therefore, the Externado University has been recognized in the country for its liberal philosophy, its rigor and the quality of its teaching. Encouraging the diversity, the Externado supports integration with the countries of Latin America as guarantee of a significant presence in the region. The University also stimulates academic cooperation with international universities, and research centers around the world, in order to stimulate the creation of knowledges, in a collaboration spirit.Receiving international students from GLODEP Master will be a great opportunity to offer then an unique academic experience, pass on knowledges and skills, and enrich the campus with international and alternative vision of development.
Possible research areas in the 4th semester: Rural Development; Environmental projects; Agro ecology; Food supply from rural areas to urban centers; Corporate Social Responsibility; Peace studies; Productive projects for former combatants and for victims of the intern armed conflict.
Royal Thimphu College, Bhutan
Royal Thimphu College, established in 2009 with the motto of ‘Inspiring Education in Bhutan,’ is Bhutan’s first private college, located in Thimphu and affiliated with the Royal University of Bhutan. Offering a wide range of undergraduate degrees, the college operates under the University’s academic framework. ln 2016, it became the first institution in Bhutan to receive accreditation from the Bhutan Accreditation Council (BAC), earning the highest possible grade of A+. The College was re-accredited with an A+ rating in June 2023. The college has a number of linkages with institutions of higher education worldwide.
Possible research areas in the 4th semester: climate change & society, environmental humanities, multispecies studies, ecological anthropology, and migration studies
University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
“There is no development without health population and there is no health without development, which ensures health determinants of health. Joining GLODEP as associated partners will enhance mutual opportunities to conduct collaborative research on interface of development and health and learn about roper interventions”
The University of Southern Denmark welcomed the first students onto the campus in Odense in September 1966, and things have been developing by leaps and bounds ever since. We now have five faculties with more than 27,000 students, almost 20% of whom are from abroad, and more than 3,800 employees distributed across our main campus in Odense and regional campuses in Slagelse, Kolding, Esbjerg and Sønderborg. Several international studies document that we conduct world-class research and are one of the top fifty young universities in the world. The vision of the Department of public health is to contribute to the improvement of human health through research, education, and communication at the highest level.
We aim at maintaining the Department’s position as leading in international research in relation to analysis of sickness and health over time and at further developing this position through strategic cooperation. Internationally and nationally we continuously aim at being of interest to both scientists and students whether in cooperation or as place of work. We strive at being first choice, when the media requires information and evaluation with regards to public health.Our main strengths are analysis of sickness and health both in relation to individuals, the public and the overall society as well as development, testing and implementation of health promotion interventions.
Possible research areas in the 4th Semester: environmental health issues, economic development and health systems, burden of disease, health and health within environmental impact assessment methods, health promotion interventions
University of Guadalajara, Mexico
The University of Guadalajara (UDG) was inaugurated in November, 3rd of 1792. Founded as the Royal University of Guadalajara with the Chairs of Medicine, Law, Theology and Philosophy. After periods of great instability, the product of constant openings and closings, the University finally established itself in its modern version, on October 12, 1925. Currently, UDG has regional campuses across the entire state of Jalisco and six thematic centers in the metropolitan area of Guadalajara City
UDG is the second largest public university in Mexico, it is a public, secular and autonomous institution, with social commitment and international vocation; that satisfies the educational needs of upper secondary and higher education with quality and relevance. It promotes scientific and technological research to impact the sustainable and inclusive development of our society.
UDG has academic collaboration with universities and institutions of higher education in every continent. It has 775 cooperation agreements (484 international and 291 national).
University Center for Economic and Administrative Sciences (CUCEA)
CUCEA is an ecosystem of education, innovation, research, entrepreneurship and social commitment that inspires the talent of young people, prepares them comprehensively in a global and sustainable environment and encourages their critical thinking, creativity, leadership and responsibility to provide solutions to the social, economic, environmental and productive problems of the state of Jalisco, Mexico and the world.
CUCEA’s Infrastructure:
- 30 Hectares (74 Acres)
- 22 Buildings
- 40 Computer labs
- 1 Cyber Garden
- 1 Fitness and Recreation Center
- Extensive sports and recreational areas
CUCEA emerged in 1995 from the merge of four academic departments, -Accounting, Economics, Administration and Tourism-, and four research centers, -on economic theory, on social and economic problems, on tourism and on economic and regional issues. Nowadays, CUCEA is integrated by three Academic Divisions: Accounting, Economics and Society, and Business Management.
Center for the Study of Development’s Problems (CEPRODE)
CEPRODE is a research center dedicated to the analysis of current economic and social problems that Mexico faces. In particular, we are interested in analyzing the causes / and the consequences of public insecurity, poverty, and unequal income distribution, socioeconomic risk factors of population’s poor health conditions.
CEPRODE is integrated by 9 academic researchers / full professors graduated from American and European universities, whose areas of interest range from poverty and income inequality to public insecurity, crime economics, child obesity, health inequality, among other issues.
Universitas Syiah Kuala (USK), Indonesia
Universitas Syiah Kuala (USK), established on September 2, 1961, in Banda Aceh, is the oldest public university in the region and has grown to become one of Indonesia’s leading higher education institutions.
USK has achieved remarkable growth through strong collaborations with international organizations, donors, and steadfast support from the Indonesian government. The university proudly holds an “Excellent Accreditation” status from the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT). Additionally, its designation as a PTN-BH (Autonomous Legal Entity University) underscores its commitment to academic and administrative excellence.
In recent achievements, USK ranked 10th among all Indonesian universities in the Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Rankings.
USK comprises 12 faculties and offers 141 study programs with a student population of over 32,000. These programs include Diploma, Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Postgraduate degrees, many of which are accredited as “Excellent” or “A” by BAN-PT. The university boasts 131 laboratories that support student practical work, faculty research, and community engagement.
USK is recognized as a Centre of Excellence in Patchouli Oil research, Peace and Conflict Resolution, and Disaster Management. Its robust global partnerships with renowned universities enhance collaborative research, academic exchange, and mobility opportunities for students and faculty alike.
Notable research opportunities available for the 4th semester include studies on Patchouli Oil and Disaster Risk Reduction, areas where USK has established a strong reputation.
Krea University, India 
Krea University is instituted by a team of global academicians, industrialists and intellectuals with a vision for the 21st Century and beyond. Guided by a unique Interwoven Learning model, our programmes encourage creativity, critical thinking, communication, contemplation, cross-disciplinary approaches, real-world implementation, and the ability to negotiate unanswered questions. At Krea University, students are guided by some of the best academic minds drawn from leading universities around the world, a combination of path-breaking young scholars to highly experienced experts. Krea University will shape a new generation of adaptable, resilient leaders, giving them critical thinking skills and the ethical grounding needed to forge ahead.
Sokoine University, Tanzania
Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) is a Public University located in Morogoro Region, Tanzania. Act of Parliament No 6 established SUA in July 1984 on 1st July 1984, which was repealed by the Universities Act No 7 in 2005, enabling the Universities to establish University Charters. Since 2007, SUA operates under the SUA Charter 2007. Under the SUA Charter, SUA is a Tanzania Commission of Universities (TCU) accredited University and a legal corporate body with vision, mission, object and functions. The vision of the University is be a leading University in the provision of quality knowledge, skills and innovations in agriculture and allied sciences, which is guided by its mission, to undertake training, research in agriculture and allied sciences and to deliver highly competitive outputs that contribute to the national, regional and global socio-economic development.
Today, SUA is one of the leading agricultural universities in Africa with an international reputation reflected in its diverse student body, academic staff and international partnerships for teaching and research.
Hassan II University, Teaching and Research Team in Applied Econometrics (TRTAE), Faculty of Law, Economics and Social Sciences (FLESS), Casablanca, Morocco
„We believe that multiculturalism and interdisciplinary are an open window on enriching topics and approaches. That is why working with GLODEP is a great opportunity for us and for the students hosted.”
The Faculty of Law, Economic and Social Sciences-Ain Chock is a Moroccan university institution attached to the Hassan II University of Casablanca. Founded in 1975, it is located Route El Jadida Casablanca, after having established as an annexe of the University Mohamed V of Rabat. Created in 1987 in the FLESS, the TRTAE brings together researchers and students interested in applied econometrics, especially in health, education, informal sector, microfinance and economic of migration. Studies conducted within this Team are often policy oriented. Therefore, it offers data available in its data base and at partners like the HCP (the national Statistics Administration in Morocco), the Moroccan Central Bank (BAM), the Ministry of Industries and from Microfinance Institution. TRTAE can also monitor data collection either in international settings or in fieldwork with students from the Master in applied econometrics existing in Hassan II University. Finally, LASAARE can oversee internship in different Moroccan institutions and help GLODEP students to prepare their Master thesis through applied research in the field mentioned above and below.
Possible research areas in the 4th semester: Applied studies on microfinance, impact evaluation of community development programs, labour market in developing countries, economics of education, economics of health, study of the informal sector at the micro and macroeconomic level and economic of migration.