New call for applications
Dear applicants,
We are pleased to inform you that NEW CALL FOR GLODEP APPLICATIONS IS OPENED. Please read carefully information on our webpage.
Dear applicants,
We are pleased to inform you that NEW CALL FOR GLODEP APPLICATIONS IS OPENED. Please read carefully information on our webpage.
Karina Narbikova – our GLODEP student – is currently undertaking internship with COUNCIL OF EUROPE
at the Department of Internal Oversight.
As part of the Internal audit team, Karina is currently performing audit of one of the CoE’s field offices, analyzing its risk management policies, compliance practices, grant and tender procedures, competences of the local staff to perform the tasks. Karina also reviews development activities carried out in the field office as part of the CoE’s initiatives such as Quality Education for all, Freedom of Expression, Promotion of diversity and equality, Preventing and Combatting Trafficking in Human Beings, Strengthening human rights treatment of detained persons to ensure that the projects serve their goals to strengthen Democracy, promote the Rule of Law and Human Rights. By the end of her traineeship at the CoE Karina will assist in drafting Action plan for the implementation of the recommendations based on Audit’s findings.
Esther Bansah is carrying out her research stay at LASAARE (Laboratoire de Statistique Appliquée à l’Analyse et la Recherche en Économie), affiliated with the Hassan II University in Casablanca, Morocco.
As a policy maker, what would you rather have: A self-sufficient microfinance institution that is capable of funding its operations entirely? Or a microfinance institution that adopts a not-for-profit approach? Does the choice between one or the other affect the ability of these crucial institutions, tasked with reaching out to the poor and financially excluded, to achieve their objectives?
These are some of the issues that our student, Esther would be exploring in her thesis focusing on her home country Ghana while carrying out her research stay at LASAARE (Laboratoire de Statistique Appliquée à l’Analyse et la Recherche en Économie), affiliated with the Hassan II University in Casablanca, Morocco.
“It has been both a challenging and thrilling experience so far in one of the most beautiful countries and people of the World, but what good thing isn’t worth the challenge?” – Esther
👉 Our another talented student Natalia Ríos Pimiento is taking the internship (in 4th semester) in South Africa in organization Fit2Run. 👏⚽️🤸🤸♂️
Fit2Run is a Non-Profit Organization located in Worcester, South Africa. Run entirely by volunteers, they train underprivileged children in the “art of living” through a holistic approach that enhances and develops children physically, mentally, and socially. The approach used by Fit2Run is athletics, specifically track and field, road running and cross country running.
What makes Fit2Run special is that besides providing adequate training and equipment to the kids in athletics, they support them emotionally and encourage discipline and dedication so that they can achieve better in all aspects of their life, especially in education. Working and training with them has shown me that it does not matter what the situation is, if it is school homework, a problem at home or if they just need to talk, their coach is always there. This kind of support gives them a “safe place” where they can escape from the heritages of apartheid, the gang violence and poverty.
Being able to work from the field with Fit2Run has significantly contributed to my thesis research giving me the opportunity to recognize, directly from the field, the linkages between sports and development.
Our student Zaineb Makati and her internship at 4th semester at Universität Göttingen, Centre for Modern Indian Studies (CeMIS).
“As part of my final semester internship and research stay, I am working with Dr. Sebastian Vollmer at the Centre for Modern Indian Studies (CeMIS) based in University of Goettingen, Germany. CeMIS is an interdisciplinary research and academic institution focused on economic and political development with research projects in many developing countries.
For my internship, I am analysing LSMS data to study land inequality in developing countries while exploring spatial inequalities in educational outcomes in Nigeria for my master thesis research. The past few months have been filled with a hands-on experience of analysing large datasets and improving my STATA and R skills.
Goettingen is a beautiful German student city equivalent to Olomouc, Clermont Ferrand and Pavia. It is peaceful and just right for a GLODEP scholar who should be focusing on her thesis ;).”
👉Our student Marie Barillé is now taking the internship (in her 4th semester) with the Fundacion Buen Punto 🏀🏈🏐🏉🤸♀️
The Rugby4Choco project aims to establish sports practice in 6 townships in the region of Choco in Colombia in one year through the training of local coaches, the formalization of weekly trainings in each of these populations and the acquisition of basic implements for sports practice.
The aim of the project is that children from post-conflict areas learn to work and play together in groups and teams. The Fundacion Buen Punto works from the fundamental principles that help in the development of good citizenship and the model of fair play based on Equity, Inclusion, Respect, Trust and Responsibility.
The organization has demonstrated success in creating a safe and peaceful environment for the children to develop social skills and moral values which may otherwise be difficult to develop in the post-conflict communities they live in.
Our student Meltreen Sikele is currently undertaking internship at Africa Mission, Institute for International Cooperation and Development (C&D) in Karamoja sub-region, Moroto District in Uganda.
I am currently undertaking my internship at Africa Mission, Institute for International Cooperation and Development (C&D) in Karamoja sub-region, Moroto District in Uganda. Working with the Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) department at C&D has been a dream come true as it is in line with my future career aspirations of utilizing my skills of research and data analysis, combined with knowledge of development studies, to tackle emerging challenges in the rural communities of Africa and beyond. I have been assigned to the F-SURE Project, funded by FAO whose aim is to build the capacity of farmers on Integrated Natural Resources Management and Sustainable Land Management practices using Agro-Pastoral Field Schools and watershed management approaches in Moroto District. I’m tasked with developing the Monitoring and Evaluation tools for the project, as well as conducting research and data analysis with the able support of the M&E team. Occasionally, I go to the field to see how the project is actually being implemented and give a helping hand. It is interesting to witness and experience the Karamojong way of life which is completely different from the way of living of my community back home in Kenya. Aside from the F-SURE project, working in the M&E department allows me to follow other projects that are being implemented by C&D in the sectors of Water and Sanitation, Socio-education, Youth Empowerment, Livestock and agriculture among others. I would like to thank C&D for giving me this opportunity to nurture my professional skills as well as enable me to comfortably conduct my academic research.
Department of Economics and Management, University of Pavia is organizing a webinar series as part of the GLODEP Master Program activity.
Department of Economics and Management, University of Pavia is organizing a webinar series as part of the GLODEP Master Program activity.
We would like to share with you the interview with GLODEP Alumni Paolo Barone.